Cutting down on business energy costs is a top priority for many SMEs in 2016, with rising concerns about carbon emissions and costly energy bills behind the shift in mindset towards a more energy efficient future.
But cutting down on energy usage isn’t a simple matter in small business, it often requires a carefully planned strategy that needs to be adopted by the business as a whole.
Follow our 7-step strategy to start saving on business energy costs…
1. Understand your business’s energy usage
Knowing exactly where your money is going when it comes to energy usage is the best way to start identifying problems areas and opportunities for improvement. By installing an energy meter you’ll be able to work out which appliances are energy guzzlers and where you’re wasting energy.
You’ll soon be able to attribute accurate energy costings to each sector of your business – whether it be running the office, powering tools and equipment you require to carry out your business activities, factory operations and so on.
By drilling down into each sector, and analysing usage, you can make smarter decisions when it comes to processes and budgets.
Do you need to invest in better appliances with higher energy ratings? Do you need to ensure equipment is powered down at the source before the end of each day? Do you employees need to be trained on energy savings measure?
2. Set usage targets
After analysing where you’re at, you’ll be able to set some achievable targets for your next quarter.
By setting a goal, you and your employees will have something to work towards and will be less likely to push energy matters by the wayside.
Start with something small and achievable – such as a 2% reduction in business energy costs. As you reach your targets, aim higher for the next quarter. By the end of the year you should have made some fantastic changes to the way you monitor and improve your business’s energy usage and the bottom line of your energy bill.
3. Look for easy-to-plug holes first
Identifying the easiest ways to cut business energy costs will get you on your way to saving money and reducing your carbon emissions faster.
Get yourself on the right track by doing these first, and then begin working your way towards plugging the more complex energy usage issues. Things like turning off the lights and powering down appliances at the source when not in use is a good start.
Later down the track you might want to consider investing in replacing ancient equipment that’s guzzling energy unnecessarily or updating your lightbulbs to LEDs.
4. Get employees on board to help cut down on business energy costs
Achieving a goal all on your own is difficult. Spread the workload by involving your employees. You’ll be more motivated to stick to your energy targets and can all work together to achieve it faster.
Try distributing some simple guidelines in form of a printout poster and display them around the staff areas of your workplace or on desks. Check in with employees often with new tips, reminders and allow for open discussions about energy saving methods.
5. Invest in new equipment
Investing in new equipment is one of the most effective ways to cut down excessive energy usage. Many older appliances do not meet the standard in effective energy consumption, and an upgrade could save your business a lot of money in the long run.
Not only is it a good idea to upgrade for energy consumption purposes, but new equipment may also lead to increased productivity and safety in your workplace. The pros far outweigh the cons of digging into the business budget to upgrade equipment for good cause.
6. Consistently look for ways to improve
Stay up-to-date and educated on methods of improving your business’s energy consumption. By subscribing to energy saving blogs such as this one, or speaking with your peers and colleagues, you’ll be able to stay ahead of the curve and ensure you’re doing your best to achieve your energy consumption goals.
7. Find a better energy deal
Chances are, that energy plan you’ve been on for the last few years isn’t the best one out there. It’s easy to get stuck in the same plan for years and years because the hassle of changing to a new energy provider can seem all a bit too much. But the effort may be well worth the outcome with savings of up to 27% in reach.
Did you know Bulk Energy finds you a better energy deal and handles the changeover for free? Yep! There is literally no hassle involved if you get us to do the hard work for you, and you don’t even have to pay us. If you’re ready to sign up for a better energy deal, please get in touch.