When we go to a white goods retailer, we often have a specific idea in our mind about the make and model of appliance we are looking for. This decision is usually based on the layout of the area you are working with or whether you need something industrial strength for a high traffic item.
What about an energy label rating?
We are often so focussed on aesthetic and size that we miss a really important piece of the puzzle – the energy rating. There is a list appliances that must have an Energy Rating label displayed on them when they are on sale. The list includes air conditioners, clothes dryers, clothes washers, computer monitors, dishwashers, freezers, refrigerators, and televisions.
The more stars, the more energy efficient the appliance. Efficient appliances use less electricity to achieve the same level of performance of similar models with the same size and capacity. Appliances that are labelled up to 6 stars are considered ‘efficient’ while those above 6 stars are defined as ‘super-efficient’.*
More stars, more savings
All sounds awesome, but what does this mean for you? The simple motto of the government initiate is ‘more stars, more savings’. This means that the higher the star rating, the better your long term saving are going to be on your electricity bills. They have a really cool app that you can download to help you make the best choices for your business.
Upgrading your existing equipment to those with a positive Energy Label rating can be a really expensive undertaking, so maybe setting up a fund where you channel the savings from your new Bulk Energy deal might help out with this!